Science, 30 APRIL 2021, VOL 372, ISSUE 6541
材料物理Material Physics
Electric field control of natural optical activity in a multiferroic helimagnet
▲ 感謝分享:Ryoji Masuda, Yoshio Kaneko, Yoshinori Tokura, Youtarou Takahashi
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The material cupric oxide exhibits magnetoelectric coupling, meaning that its magnetic properties can be controlled by electric fields. In its spin spiral phase, cupric oxide has a spiral magnetic ordering that can be right- or left-handed. Masuda et al. used electric fields to create purely left- or right-handed samples and then studied their optical activity. The samples exhibited natural optical activity, which the researchers were then able to control with electric fields.
Parity-preserving and magnetic field–resilient superconductivity in InSb nanowires with Sn shells
▲ 感謝分享:M. Pendharkar, B. Zhang, H. Wu, A. Zarassi, S. M. Frolov, etc.
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Some of the most promising schemes for quantum information processing involve superconductors. In addition to the established superconducting qubits, topological qubits may one day be realized in semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures. The superconductor most widely used in this context is aluminum, in which processes that cause decoherence are suppressed. Pendharkar et al. go beyond this paradigm to show that superconducting tin can be used in place of aluminum. The authors grew nanowires of indium antimonide, which is a semiconductor, and coated them with a thin layer of tin without using cumbersome epitaxial growth techniques. This process creates a well-defined, “hard” superconducting gap in the nanowires, which is a prerequisite for using them as the basis for a potential topological qubit.
Atomic-scale ion transistor with ultrahigh diffusivity
▲ 感謝分享:Yahui Xue, Yang Xia, Sui Yang, Yousif Alsaid, King Yan Fong, Yuan Wang, Xiang Zhang
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Cells are adept at fast, gated ion flow through tailored channels, which is key to many biological processes. Xue et al. developed ion transistors from reduced graphene oxide membranes and observed a field-enhanced diffusivity of the ions. By applying electrical gating, the average surface potential on the graphene layer could be controlled, thus altering the energy barrier for ion intercalation into the channel and leading to very high diffusion rates. The authors observed selective ion transport two orders of magnitude faster than the ion diffusion in bulk water.
A risk-based approach for managing hydraulic fracturing–induced seismicity
▲ 感謝分享:Ryan Schultz, Gregory C. Beroza, William L. Ellsworth
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引發地震得風險日益受到感謝對創作者的支持,需要有效得管理。針對得克薩斯州南部Eagle Ford頁巖得水力壓裂,感謝分享開發了一種風險知情得策略,以選擇需要立即關井得紅燈閾值。他們使用數據集得組合來模擬空間異構得妨害和破壞影響。
▲ Abstract
Risks from induced earthquakes are a growing concern that needs effective management. For hydraulic fracturing of the Eagle Ford shale in southern Texas, we developed a risk-informed strategy for choosing red-light thresholds that require immediate well shut-in. We used a combination of datasets to simulate spatially heterogeneous nuisance and damage impacts. Simulated impacts are greater in the northeast of the play and smaller in the southwest. This heterogeneity is driven by concentrations of population density. Spatially varying red-light thresholds normalized on these impacts [moment magnitude (Mw) 2.0 to 5.0] are fairer and safer than a single threshold applied over a broad area. Sensitivity tests indicate that the forecast maximum magnitude is the most influential parameter. Our method provides a guideline for traffic light protocols and managing induced seismicity risks.
氣候與生態Climate & Ecology
Widespread reforestation before European influence on Amazonia
▲ 感謝分享:M. B. Bush, M. N. Nascimento, C. M. ?kesson, G. M. Cárdenes-Sandí, C. N. H. McMichael, etc.
▲ 鏈接:感謝分享science.sciencemag.org/content/372/6541/484
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An early 17th-century temporary reduction in global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels has now been attributed to reforestation in Amazonia after the catastrophic loss of life of the indigenous population caused by diseases brought by European invaders. Using fossil pollen data from Amazonian lake sediments with temporal resolution over the past millennium, Bush et al. found that forest recovery began 300 to 600 years before the population crash. The more recent nadir in atmospheric CO2 was not associated with rapid reforestation at that time. The vegetation changes appear to be the result of changing patterns of land use in the centuries preceding the European arrival and the resulting devastation, whereas the cause of the CO2 decline remains enigmatic.
The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands
▲ 感謝分享:Sandra Nogué, Ana M. C. Santos, H. John B. Birks, Manuel J. Steinbauer, etc.
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Islands are among the last regions on Earth settled and transformed by human activities, and they provide replicated model systems for analysis of how people affect ecological functions. By analyzing 27 representative fossil pollen sequences encompassing the past 5000 years from islands globally, we quantified the rates of vegetation compositional change before and after human arrival. After human arrival, rates of turnover accelerate by a median factor of 11, with faster rates on islands colonized in the past 1500 years than for those colonized earlier. This global anthropogenic acceleration in turnover suggests that islands are on trajectories of continuing change. Strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration must acknowledge the long duration of human impacts and the degree to which ecological changes today differ from prehuman dynamics.
Equids engineer desert water availability
▲ 感謝分享:Erick J. Lundgren, Daniel Ramp, Juliet C. Stromberg, Jianguo Wu, Arian D. Wallach, etc.
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Water is scarce in dryland ecosystems. Some larger animals in these regions dig wells that may provide water to other species. This behavior may have been common among megafauna that are now extinct, especially in North and South America, where megafaunal extinctions were the most severe. Lundgren et al. tested whether feral equids (horses and donkeys) reintroduced to desert regions in the North American southwest dig wells that provide ecosystem-level benefits. They found that equid-dug wells increased water availability, were used by a large number of species, and decreased distance between water sources. Abandoned wells also led to increased germination in key riparian tree species. Such equid-dug wells improve water availability, perhaps replacing a lost megafaunal function.